15 September 2008

31.08.2008-Royal Regalia

After the 51st Merdeka celebration at Malaysian High Comm, our next stop was the building of Royal Regalia.

Royal Regalia building which are the home of Coronation & Silver Jubilee Chariot, Royal Regalia of the coronation of present 29th Sultan of Brunei, numerous gift from state dignitaries and many more.

The historic royal chariot, used by His Majesty during the coronation ceremony in 1st August 1968.

Thanks a lot Tn Hj for guiding us during out precious moments here.There were lot of info by Tn Hj which is useful for us as teachers and also the students to complete their journal.

10 September 2008

News and articles related to SADBA-Resource: High Commission of Malaysia, Bandar Seri Begawan

Monday, September 1, 2008 - MALAYSIAN citizens in Brunei gathered yesterday morning at the Malaysian High Commission in Jalan Kebangsaan to celebrate their country's 51st Independence Day.

Led by Malaysian High Commissioner, Dato' Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari along with his wife Datin Zakiah, the guests sang the national anthem as they stood witnessing the hoisting of their national flag.

They then sang together four patriotic songs: Negaraku, Jalur Gemilang, Malaysiaku Gemilang and Perpaduan Teras Kejayaan.

In his speech, the high commissioner said: "Malaysian citizens naturally have a reason to be happy and grateful because our country is peaceful and tranquil."

This year, the independence day carries the theme "Perpaduan, Teras Kejayaan" (Unity, the Core of Success) and the high commissioner called for unity for Malaysians anywhere in the world regardless of race, religion and culture towards attaining success. He also touched upon the growing political scene in Malaysia where he advised the congregation to not abuse the openness policy in democratic and freedom of speech.

"Our history has clearly taught us a meaningful lesson...(and) we should learn from past events and make sure that they won't repeat," he said, adding that present laws and regulations should be obeyed where in the expressions of discontentment should relay through the right channel.

The joyous occasion include the presentations of certificates of appreciation and gifts to the best four Malaysian students who have excelled in their academic pursuit.

One of them was Koay Yi Wen, who is currently studying at Cardiff University in the United Kingdom.

Her father, Dr Koay Teng Leong, a lecturer at Universiti Brunei Darussalam was proud of his daughter's achievements and commented that it was a "good initiative" on the Malaysian High Commission's part to recognize the efforts of students by giving them awards. (JQR1)

Courtesy of The Brunei Times


BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Ahad - Kira-kira 100 warga Malaysia yang bertugas dan menetap di Brunei menghadiri Majlis Menaikkan Bendera Jalur Gemilang Sempena Hari Kemerdekaan Malaysia ke-51 di Suruhanjaya Tinggi Malaysia, hari ini.

Pesuruhjaya Tinggi Malaysia, Dato Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari dalam ucapan beliau menggesa semua rakyat Malaysia di Brunei supaya bekerja keras dan menjadi contoh sebagai suatu masyarakat yang berdaya maju, berwibawa dan dihormati.

Beliau meminta mereka supaya sentiasa mengekalkan silaturahim sesama rakyat Malaysia yang terdiri daripada berbilang bangsa dan berbagai-bagai agama serta juga menjalin hubungan baik dengan rakyat Brunei.

Rakyat Malaysia diharapkan akan meneruskan semangat setia kawan dan memupuk perpaduan di samping menghormati adat resam serta undang-undang tempatan. Di samping itu juga, Dato Ku Jaafar berkata rakyat Malaysia harus rasa bersyukur ke atas semua yang mereka kecapi dan nikmati tetapi mereka tidak boleh hanya berbangga dengan kejayaan lepas tetapi mereka perlu lebih berusaha untuk berjaya.

Beliau mengingatkan bahawa mereka semua bertanggungjawab untuk menyerahkan negara dalam keadaan yang baik kepada generasi pewaris negara. Suruhanjaya Tinggi Malaysia, tambah Dato Ku Jaafar, telah dan akan mengaturkan pelbagai program untuk rakyat Malaysia dalam keadaan yang sederhana tetapi meriah serta meminta mereka supaya terus dalam membabitkan diri dalam pelbagai kegiatan yang dianjurkan oleh suruhanjaya.

Majlis diteruskan dengan acara memotong kek sempena Sambutan Hari Kemerdekaan Malaysia Ke-51 oleh Dato Ku Jaafar juga turut menyampaikan hadiah kepada pelajar terbaik dan pemenang kejohanan bola tampar.

Ihsan Media Permata


All Malaysian citizens residing in Brunei Darussalam must work hard and become an example of the community with a competitive edge and be respectable.

Dato' Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari, Malaysian High Commissioner to Brunei Darussalam, emphasised this advice in his speech at the flag raising ceremony to mark the 51st Malaysian National Day at the grounds of the Malaysian Chancery.

He also hopes that Malaysians do not misuse their freedom of speech to spread sensitive issues to bring up negative sentiment to some parties. "This matter should not happen because in our country's system, there are channels prepared to voice the concerned issues," the High Commissioner said

Present at the ceremony were Malaysian citizens who work and reside in Brunei Darussalam.

Courtesy of Borneo Bulletin

Resource: High Commission of Malaysia, Bandar Seri Begawan

31/08/2008-The Brunei Times

Published on The Brunei Times (http://www.bt.com.bn/en)

Sabah students, teachers visit UBD

Educational visit: A delegation from SMK Merotai Besar Tawau, Sabah listening to the briefings.Picture: BT/Nuruljannah

Sunday, August 31, 2008

A DELEGATION consisted of 6 teachers and 14 students from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Merotai Besar Tawau Sabah made an excursion to Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD), yesterday.

The teachers and students were welcomed and given an introductory briefing on UBD's history and development by the Assistant Registrar Dk Hjh Amy Marlina Pg Metassan about what the university offers to students who wish to study at UBD.

The delegation was also briefed on the Brunei Educational System by Dr Hjh Norhani Pengarah Hj Buntar, a representative from the Sultan Hj Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education.

A question and answer session followed whereby the keen teachers and students asked questions about UBD as well as about the educational system in Brunei.

According to Rosnah Abdul Razak, the group leader and also one of teachers from the school, the excursion objective was to give educational exposure to the students about their neighbour country.

"Most of these students are students who live in the countryside. This excursion helps them to educate themselves among other things. The excursion also serves to acknowledge the students about the opportunities of studying abroad," she told The Brunei Times.

Their 5-day excursion included visiting various places and institutions in the Brunei-Muara District. "Im awed to see the places around Brunei with its peacefulness and prosperity. This is my first time in the country and it is beyond my expectations. Brunei has more to offer than what I had in mind," she commented.

The visit at the university took place at the Senate Room, Chancellor Hall UBD.

The Brunei Times

08 September 2008

30/08/2008-Breakfast at Sri Mama Restaurant

we've decided to walk from Pusat Belia Hostel at 7:00 am to find nasi katok restaurant. Here is some pics taken on our way to take our breakfast.

The teachers was eager to take a photo together with few of the staffs there.

Our special menu for breakfast....nasi katok, the combination of nasi, fried chicken and the finger lickin sambal.

we were meant to be here....the air-cond room was quite enough for 20 of us.

Is there any vacancy for a mascot? Risdeven is the best candidate and ready to serve anytime in these 4 days.

30/08/2008-Universiti Brunei Darussalam

UBD....here we come.

Question: Which one do you prefer, the human posing for the camera or the one on the table?

Administration building from Dewan Canselor's point of view.

Pn Sharifah on her presentation of SPN21.

They could still deliver the special pose during the 45 mins of waiting KKBS' coaster.
Thanks cgu Jannah for sharing these pics.

07 September 2008

01/09/2008-Media Permata Online

Again, thanks DP1-PTEB for sharing this link to us. You might visit this link for full report.

06 September 2008

30/08/2008-Maktab Sains Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan

Briefing by Mr. Hj. Azrul(his voice +pronunciation was powerful) it was all about MSPSBS.
Our group leader, Pn. Rosnah at her speech.

One for the album......... Pn. Rosnah and Pengetua Maktab exchanging souvenirs.

Credit goes to Mr. Mike for these pics. Jumpa lagi.

30/08/2008-Pusat Tingkatan Enam(PTE) Berakas, Brunei DS

Greatest view form here, a futuristic n panoramic view of PTE.

Heading to career n counselor office after a short breif about PTE by Syahirah. The one in red kurong was the boss of student council.

Great experience in Mobile Lab where we were taught to conduct a wirelesses chat using mac.

Our next stop was art room where imagination remains as illusions.

Cafeteria cum foyer, apart from being the place for meal, it is place for students to discuss, study group and socialize .

This is the so called bilik guru in Malaysia.Back to room where we first arrived.

Photo session in progress.
Thanks PTE for the great moments there. Looking forward to see u guys once again and again and again.

p/s: special thanks to WafiyM and cgu Salwana for the pics.Nice job.