10 September 2008

31/08/2008-The Brunei Times

Published on The Brunei Times (http://www.bt.com.bn/en)

Sabah students, teachers visit UBD

Educational visit: A delegation from SMK Merotai Besar Tawau, Sabah listening to the briefings.Picture: BT/Nuruljannah

Sunday, August 31, 2008

A DELEGATION consisted of 6 teachers and 14 students from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Merotai Besar Tawau Sabah made an excursion to Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD), yesterday.

The teachers and students were welcomed and given an introductory briefing on UBD's history and development by the Assistant Registrar Dk Hjh Amy Marlina Pg Metassan about what the university offers to students who wish to study at UBD.

The delegation was also briefed on the Brunei Educational System by Dr Hjh Norhani Pengarah Hj Buntar, a representative from the Sultan Hj Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education.

A question and answer session followed whereby the keen teachers and students asked questions about UBD as well as about the educational system in Brunei.

According to Rosnah Abdul Razak, the group leader and also one of teachers from the school, the excursion objective was to give educational exposure to the students about their neighbour country.

"Most of these students are students who live in the countryside. This excursion helps them to educate themselves among other things. The excursion also serves to acknowledge the students about the opportunities of studying abroad," she told The Brunei Times.

Their 5-day excursion included visiting various places and institutions in the Brunei-Muara District. "Im awed to see the places around Brunei with its peacefulness and prosperity. This is my first time in the country and it is beyond my expectations. Brunei has more to offer than what I had in mind," she commented.

The visit at the university took place at the Senate Room, Chancellor Hall UBD.

The Brunei Times

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